Piano Games, Part 3

BTW, If It's on the Floor, It's Mine

Treble Clef Lines and Spaces Finger Positions. F, A, C, E are notes on lines. You can see the lines on those fingers. The rest are on spaces.

John’s piano teacher continues to think of innovative teaching techniques.

I like this one:  “Point with your eyes”.

(Gonna use that one elsewhere.)

(On the treble clef staff) “D has no whiskers”   (but C does).

And they were counting measures, approaching it from several perspectives.

So all that is great,

and mostly he is compliant and obedient.

And yet, sometimes John makes poor behavior choices.

Both when our teacher is here and when she isn’t.

Getting those fingers on the correct notes.

Sometimes John is quite cavalier in how he treats his sheet music, his drum sticks (and other stuff).

With a smirk on his face.

So I know it’s not just careless.

He’s intentionally checking the perimeter fence for holes in the rules.

(You can tell we have been watching the Jurassic Park series this summer.

Velociraptors are still on my mine.)

Anyway, back to the stuff on the floor:

If it’s on the floor, it’s mine (overnight).

The stuff ends up high, in eyesight, and I surely hope,

quite tantalizing in its teachable moment.

The formation of a good-habit-solid-neural-pathway is a process of absolute consistency.

Peace be with us,




Mom. Educator. Advocate. Ally. Consultant. Activist. Team Builder.

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