John was mad because I was making him do his daily reading homework. In the car as we were driving.
The window was partially open.
Not sure he really meant to let it fly, but the book was gone. I couldn’t exactly see his face, but I think he was actually surprised his book disappeared.
First time he has chucked anything out the window.
So, he lost gymnastics Fun Friday Night as a natural consequence. (He would have lost Wii Sports and Nintendo DS, but those were already gone because he was pinching his friends in specials.)
Then, something completely unplanned happened.
John’s teenager sibling wanted to watch Singing in the Rain because his high school was performing it the next day and we had tickets.
The two kids ended up snuggled together on the sofa. John started laughing at the “Make ’em Laugh” genius of Donald O’Connor. Then John tried to
tap dance. First time.
Also first time he had ever paid any attention to a non-animated movie.
So, try this movie at your home. There is a lot to engage a child with learning differences. (Speech therapy, mid-line crossover, and lots of physical therapy with tap shoes on.)
Like for me, maybe Plan B will be better than whatever your Plan A was.
I know I can get overly focused on fulfilling the interventions.
Oops–lost my personal joy along the way. Missing the important “in-the-moment” stuff that can happen.
“Bad choice, Mommy”, because joy is important too.
Your joy. Your child’s joy.
Peace to us,