John usually fights required reading.
Today was different. He picked out the graphic novel (comic book) of “Inside Out”.
Usually he doesn’t share his quality reading with me. I just get the bad stuff.
Today was different. He lingered over the pages, talking, inventing, recalling, sharing with me, looking at me.
Not at all in a bad way.
He was in the flow. Reading a comic book. About some heroes he loves.
Remember the old Carl the dog storybook series? Just pictures, you made your own words and story.
Well, if John needs to increase his imagination (AND HE DOES), then what he did today would count toward imaginary play.
Don’t you think?
So, maybe for our kids lagging in expressive language, try a high-quality “comic book” of someone or something they love.
Maybe they will make a movie in their heads.
That’s what John said to me, “I watched the movie by reading the book”.
Bet you find some joy also.
Peace be with us.