This school morning was the last-Friday-of-Junior-High-School.
And everything he did blew right through my expectations.
Silly mom me, I had hoped for a rosy-glow sort of last Spirit Day launch.
You know how that goes, don’t you?
In every direction, he didn’t do as I would hope.
I could give you a list, but my blood pressure will go back up.
Last night, at a band booster parent initiation, I learned a neurotypical young man, several years older than John, does some of the things that John does.
When I hear such great news, it is a gift to my peace-of-mind.
Dorky, cave-boy teenager things. Could this be normal? Typical?
Our therapy and interventions world has a forward-push, compliance mindset. Right?
Pretty rigid.

This morning, John was way past zoo animal. I have seen better behavior out of chimpanzees.
Such boy-stupid stuff could be happening in other, neurotypical homes?
No words for this sense of relief.
So, as he went running for the bus looking exactly like a motor-planning Mr. Bean movie before my eyes,
it was a wonder he had everything.
Yes, of course, all in the wrong place according to “the plan”, whatever that is.
Still, all in his arms, and he was laughing.
In 30 seconds, we met in the middle for the forgotten mask hand-off.
I then told him to go faster.
Forgot to say I love him forever. That is my shame.
Not that the morning wasn’t to my “expectation”, but that I forgot the most important words of the day.
I sure hope he comes home today as usual. I have some mending to do to my spirit.
He probably didn’t notice? Or did he?
Peace to us all,